A quality education with a biblical worldview.
PVCC is surrounded by a huge variety of Australian flora and many native creatures – including a number of distinctive blue tongue lizards! Just as the trees and shrubs, mammals and reptiles are unique in their own way, so are our students.
We believe God has created each of our students to be one-of-a-kind image bearers of Christ, and just like the unique blue tongues, our students are developed to become young people of distinction.
Early Learning
From the moment you set foot inside Plenty Kids Early Learning Centre, you experience wonder. Children’s laughter, the strum of a guitar and little voices singing, and red trikes racing by. The mountains rest silently in the distance, and you may even hear the chuckle of a kookaburra.
This is the safe and nurturing environment where children are learning about themselves, others, and God’s incredible creation – from three and four years of age.
At Plenty Kids, ‘what is possible’ has not been predefined. Mutual discovery and learning is fostered so that each child’s unique way of experiencing, being and interacting with the world can be recognised and supported.
“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”
Psalm 139:13-14
Build Community
Students in Prep to Year 6 at Plenty Valley Christian College are known and loved! And so are our resident blue tongue lizards.
In the same way that our students know each lizard’s hidey hole and favourite garden beds, our classroom and specialist teachers take great delight in knowing each child and taking them on an exciting journey of learning where they are encouraged to excel academically, grow spiritually, and share their God-given uniqueness.
“Let your light shine before others…”
Matthew 5:16
PVCC Primary school is a wonderful environment where every child is encouraged to grow in wisdom and faith, have respect for their peers and teachers, and above all, have thankful hearts.
Nurture Godly Character
Our secondary students have the greatest views in Melbourne! From times of quiet study, to experiments in the science labs, or team-building lessons on the ovals, our students look out past the kangaroos grazing in the valley to the magnificent ranges.
Here they can consider their place in the world that God has created, unearth the responsibility they have to steward it, and the contribution they will make, locally or globally.
Middle Years
Years 7–9
In the transition from Primary to Secondary School, students develop strong relationships, as they embrace new classmates and understand the importance of learning from others and learning with others.
The Middle Years are when students are encouraged to unearth undiscovered talents and abilities. They are presented with many opportunities to dig deep and give everything a go, and enjoy being surprised by the outcomes!
“I love coming to school to be with my friends; my favourite part of the school is the gym because I love playing basketball.”
— Year 7 PVCC student
Learn Courageously
Senior Years
Years 10–12
Senior students at PVCC are encouraged to strive for excellence in their studies and to think through the wider issues about education, especially those that are uniquely addressed by a Christian character. Our senior secondary education sets the scene for adult choices in career and lifestyle.
“Before I went on the mission trip, I thought I would be going to Thailand to help other people. When I got home, I realised how much the Thai people helped and changed me.” – PVCC student, Year 10
“For I know the plans I have you for, says the Lord…”
Jeremiah 29:11
Strive for Excellence
A quality education raising up young people of distinction.
Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.
– Colossians 3:23 (NLT)