Our distinction

A quality education with a biblical worldview.

PVCC is surrounded by a huge variety of Australian flora and many native creatures – including a number of distinctive blue tongue lizards! Just as the trees and shrubs, mammals and reptiles are unique in their own way, so are our students.

We believe God has created each of our students to be one-of-a-kind image bearers of Christ, and just like the unique blue tongues, our students are developed to become young people of distinction.


Follow the lizard

Early Learning

From the moment you set foot inside Plenty Kids Early Learning Centre, you experience wonder. Children’s laughter, the strum of a guitar and little voices singing, and red trikes racing by. The mountains rest silently in the distance, and you may even hear the chuckle of a kookaburra.

This is the safe and nurturing environment where children are learning about themselves, others, and God’s incredible creation – from three and four years of age.

At Plenty Kids, ‘what is possible’ has not been predefined. Mutual discovery and learning is fostered so that each child’s unique way of experiencing, being and interacting with the world can be recognised and supported.

“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”

Psalm 139:13-14

Build Community


Students in Prep to Year 6 at Plenty Valley Christian College are known and loved! And so are our resident blue tongue lizards.

In the same way that our students know each lizard’s hidey hole and favourite garden beds, our classroom and specialist teachers take great delight in knowing each child and taking them on an exciting journey of learning where they are encouraged to excel academically, grow spiritually, and share their God-given uniqueness.

“Let your light shine before others…”

Matthew 5:16

PVCC Primary school is a wonderful environment where every child is encouraged to grow in wisdom and faith, have respect for their peers and teachers, and above all, have thankful hearts.

Nurture Godly Character


Our secondary students have the greatest views in Melbourne! From times of quiet study, to experiments in the science labs, or team-building lessons on the ovals, our students look out past the kangaroos grazing in the valley to the magnificent ranges.

Here they can consider their place in the world that God has created, unearth the responsibility they have to steward it, and the contribution they will make, locally or globally.

Middle Years

Years 7–9

In the transition from Primary to Secondary School, students develop strong relationships, as they embrace new classmates and understand the importance of learning from others and learning with others.

The Middle Years are when students are encouraged to unearth undiscovered talents and abilities. They are presented with many opportunities to dig deep and give everything a go, and enjoy being surprised by the outcomes!

“I love coming to school to be with my friends; my favourite part of the school is the gym because I love playing basketball.”

— Year 7 PVCC student

Learn Courageously

Senior Years

Years 10–12

Senior students at PVCC are encouraged to strive for excellence in their studies and to think through the wider issues about education, especially those that are uniquely addressed by a Christian character. Our senior secondary education sets the scene for adult choices in career and lifestyle.

“Before I went on the mission trip, I thought I would be going to Thailand to help other people. When I got home, I realised how much the Thai people helped and changed me.” – PVCC student, Year 10

“For I know the plans I have you for, says the Lord…”

Jeremiah 29:11

Strive for Excellence

A quality education raising up young people of distinction.

Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.

– Colossians 3:23 (NLT)

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Plenty Kids Early Learning Centre program

Our indoor/outdoor learning spaces create opportunities for children to immerse themselves in play-based exploration, experimentation, invention and problem-solving, and our first-class Christian education program fosters creative, responsive, and respectful relationships where children can discover and become all that God intends them to be.

Plenty Kids educators take great delight in helping each child in our program build their self-esteem and shape their emerging sense of self-identity, because every one of our Plenty Kids educators believes in each child’s unique ability to be amazing.

Each child is supported and encouraged to develop responsibility for their actions and interactions with others, as they develop an understanding and respect for the interrelationships between themselves, others, the natural and constructed environment.

Plenty Kids ELC is strategically positioned alongside our Early Years sub school, to encourage an easy transition for children into the Primary school at PVCC.

Plenty Kids Early Learning Centre Philosophy

2025 Early Learning Centre Timetable

Plenty Kids Policies and Publications


Primary program

All Primary students are provided with a strong foundation as they are immersed daily in literacy and numeracy lessons. In addition to these, students experience weekly specialist classes covering Art, Design and Innovation, Library, Music, Science, Sport, and Technology. French is introduced in Year 1. It is a rigorous program where each student is encouraged to strive for excellence, unearth their natural abilities, and be the very person God has created them to be.

And while every child has different academic needs, we believe in helping students wherever they are in their learning. They might be excelling in learning new concepts or require assistance or guided learning; we want to reach each student at their learning point. Our teachers desire to help students understand that they are capable of academic and personal excellence.

From Year 4, students are introduced to the PVCC camp experience. Primary camps are designed to expose students to a small number of nights away from home where they can explore God’s world, take risks in a safe environment, and build community with their peers and teachers.

While our Primary school exists in two geographical parts – Early Years (Prep – Year 2) and Junior Years (Years 3 – 6) – students regularly come together for activities and experiences, including assemblies and chapel services, sporting programs, gala musical and drama events, student leadership initiatives and missional and fundraising activities.

Our Year 6 classrooms neighbour the Year 7 home rooms, with a purpose of developing a familiarity in our Year 6 students ahead of a transition into Year 7 at PVCC.

Primary Learning and Teaching


Middle Years program

In the transition from Primary to Secondary School, students develop strong relationships, as they embrace new classmates and understand the importance of learning from others and learning with others.

Daily home groups provide opportunity for relational growth, pastoral care and mentoring where biblically based and culturally relevant conversations shape our students and their worldview. Home group teachers also deliver weekly timetabled Christian Education classes for students in Years 7-10.

From Year 7, students receive a core curriculum of English, Christian Education, Humanities, Maths, Science and Italian, and Sport. Students are also presented with a wide range of elective subjects including Art, Drama, Food Tech, Information Technology, Media, Music, and Wood Tech, encouraging them to explore and hone their talents and gifts interdependently.

The increased emphasis for Year 9 students is on taking responsibility for their personal organisation and engagement in the learning process. To assist them with this, PVCC provides a world-class Cognizance program for students, equipping their understanding of the brain function and providing them with the tools to take charge of their own learning.

While Year 9 & 10 students are growing in their understanding of self, PVCC uses these key developmental years as the time to expose them to a number of local community service projects and international mission opportunities, with the focus on outreach and others.

Musical productions, camps, fundraising activities, and inter-school sports are opportunities offered to all PVCC Secondary students and students are encouraged to immerse themselves in activities to help them develop as individuals and as a part of a community, to expand their abilities in networking and socialising outside the classroom.

Courses for Curious Learners Booklet 2025 (Years 9 & 10)

Years 9 & 10 Elective Grid 2024


Senior Years program

Senior students at PVCC are encouraged to strive for excellence in their studies and to think through the wider issues about education, especially those that are uniquely addressed by a Christian character. Our senior secondary education sets the scene for adult choices in career and lifestyle.

In keeping with the intentions of the VCE, the elective program widens to support students’ unique talents and provides the opportunity for an individual tailored course of study. Senior students can select elective subjects such as Biology, Business Management, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Geography, Health and Human Development, History, Legal Studies, Literature, Physics, Product Design and Technology, Psychology, Studio Arts, and Italian can be followed all the way through senior years.

Students are given assistance to develop responsible work habits and to aim for personal high achievement. This approach is balanced by studies in, and the thoughtful practice of, a Christian lifestyle.

The VCE years are also the level at which student leadership in the school becomes prominent. College captains are appointed annually and have a high profile in the ceremonial functions, the organisation of student programs and extra-curricular activities.

Our secondary school students have an established record of outstanding achievement in their studies, sporting, cultural pursuits, and service to the community. It is our privilege to impart and transfer knowledge and skills as they seek to go and transform the world around them.

Courses for Curious Learners Booklet 2025 (Years 9 & 10)

Years 9 & 10 Elective Grid 2024

VCE Subject Videos

#Choose Media – Subject Showcase

VCE Grid 2024

Senior Pathways 2025