All students at PVCC will have the opportunity to develop skills, knowledge and capabilities to prepare them for learning and work in the 21st Century. A number of programs are offered to encourage their Personal Management, Learning and Work Exploration and Career Building.
These programs include:
Year 9 and 10 Work Studies
This subject is designed to empower students to develop the skills to assist them in making informed decisions about their study/work options. They will engage in a range of activities to develop an understanding of work, career options, pathways and post-school destinations.
Work Experience
Work Experience is a compulsory part of the Year 10 Work Studies curriculum. It provides students with an opportunity to experience a workplace of interest and participate in the broader world of work.
Morrisby Vocational Testing – Year 10
All Year 10 students will complete the Morrisby online Vocational assessment tool, which comprises several comprehensive psychometric tests measuring strengths, abilities, career interests, personality and learning styles. Students will receive a detailed report outlining some possible future career options and explore pathways and subject choices that match. They will also be given access to a number of career resources.
Real Industry Job Interviews – Year 10
All Year 10 students will develop skills in resume and cover letter writing and interview skills. This will be in preparation for their real industry job interviews, which are held externally with interviewers from various industries.
Individual Careers Counselling
All Year 12 students receive individual one–on–one counselling on post-secondary destinations and pathways. All Year 10 students also receive individual careers counselling regarding subject selections and their transition into senior pathways. Parents are also invited to attend. The Careers Practitioner is available for appointments with students and/or parents regarding subject selections or career pathway options.
Careers Newsletter
Career News is a fortnightly newsletter that provides specific career information and important dates and career events throughout the year.
New Careers Website
We are excited to announce a new Careers website which will provide information to both students and parents on a large range of career-related topics.